[NSTS logo]

Mail Account $5/month or $50/year- An e-mail-only account. Mailboxes can be accessed via any POP3-compliant mail reader.

Shell Account ($10/month or $100/year)- A shell account on angus.mystery.com with access to a variety of mail readers (such as elm), news readers (such as nn, trn, and tin), and text-based Internet services (telnet, ftp, lynx). A Shell account includes 100 hours of connect time per month. Additional time is billed at $1 per hour.

IP Account ($20/month or $200/year) - An IP (Internet Protocol) account on angus.mystery.com. This allows use of POP for remote mail, as well as providing your personal computer with the means to use such packages as Chameleon, Netscape, or MicroSoft Internet Explorer. In addition, IP accounts can run Internet client packages (such as telnet, FTP, gopher, etc.) NSTS does not provide these packages, but can assist you in finding them. An IP membership includes 150 hours of connect time per month. Additional time is billed at $1 per hour.