Juglans nigra
Black walnut

Family: Walnut (Juglandaceae)

Lifespan: Perennial

Height: 21-27 m

Flower Color: Greenish

Flower Size: N/A

Bloom Season: April-May

Fruit: Single or paired, 4-6 cm in diameter; thick green or brown husk; irregularly ridged, thick-shelled inner layer covering sweet edible nut

Conditions: Black walnut is found on a variety of sites but grows best on deep, well-drained neutral soils that are moist and fertile. It grows slowly on wet bottomlands, dry ridges, and slopes. Black walnut is common on limestone soils and grows extremely well on deep loams and fertile alluvial deposits. Good agricultural soils are generally favorable sites for black walnut.

Sunlight: Full sun

Moisture: Moist

The root system usually consists of a deep taproot and several wide-spreading lateral roots.

I can be reached at audrey@mystery.com