
1. Radio waves.

3. Recall, d = v*t, then t = d/v Where d= 150,000,000,000 m and v = 300,000 km/s or 300,000,000 m/s.

So, t = (150,000,000,000 m)/(300,000,000 m/s) = 500 s or 8.3 minutes.

4. Again t = (4.2 x 10^16 m)/(3 x 10^8 m/s) = 1.4 x 10^8 s or 4.4 years

6. In the atmosphere light travels by absorbtion then re-emittion, which delays the signal.

11. The pair of dark sunglasses would be warmer. Since they are dark they absorb more radiation.

15. Because it reflects whatever light falls upon it.

16. Blue will be emitted. Yellow = Red + Green, which are absorbed.

20. White, Magenta, White

22. Cyan, opposite or complementary color of red.

23. We would see a blueish sunset.

25. Rain clouds contain the more larger particles than do other clouds. More larger than smaller particles means mor light is being absorbed than reflected, which gives the rain clouds a dark appearance.

29. Radio waves are much longer and diffract more.

32. A thin transparent film covers the wing. Interference caused by light reflecting off the top and bottom surfaces produces different colors.

36. Most glare is composed of polarized light (as light is reflected, much of it is polarized).

40. At most 50% if axes aligned, none if at right angles.